When we talk about a paint booth, a closed area in which there is usually overpressure and the circulating air is hot must come to mind.
The spray paint booths is a closed space where the vehicle or part is inserted. It is usually seen regularly in paint shops. It has become an indispensable tool due to the multiple benefits it has, apart from the quality of the finish it presents, but also from a safety perspective, both at work and in the environment, since it reduces the emission of paint particles and organic compounds into the air.
The objective of the design of the cabin is that it paints and dries in the shortest time with the highest possible quality. With which, in the same place two different functions are fulfilled.
We are spray booth supplier in Guangzhou China, call us design the cabin suitable to your workshop place.
Contact email: sunnie@gzguangli.com.cn
Contact number: 008613925061383