Do you know bus or truck spray booth? Bus and Truck Spray Booth is designed for the finishing applications of numerous large-size vehicles and large equipments, such us buses, trucks, couches, vans, trailers, trains, ships, yachts and plane spare parts. These four major types of airflow design for truck spray booth, including semi downdraft, full downdraft, crossflow & on floor side/rear extraction downdraft.
Many options are available to customize our large truck booths to fit your specific needs. Multiple custom length, width and height as well as mass state-of-the-art technical options are available in Guangli Truck and Large Spray Booths to accommodate various custom requirements.
Superb quality and durable performance all can be achieved in Guagnli Truck and Large Spray Booths to guarantee the most efficient coating operation, the fastest curing times and lowest operating costs.
Regardless of the option you choose our experienced team is ready to help guide you through the entire process. Call us today 008613925061383